St. Petersburg
Education and Awards
2007 TEFL Certificate Oxford Education Specialists.
2005 PhD. Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
1999-2003 Three University graduate awards.
1998 J.W. Fulbright grant to India (based at the ISSSI Kolkata).
1997 B.A. Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY.
1996 Wadham College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK (study of Sanskrit at the Oriental Institute of the University).
Work Experience
2019- Docent Department of Translation, Institute of Foreign Languages,
Herzen State Pedagogical Academy
2014- Publisher, Eumenides Publication Services.
2010- Translation, Textual Editing, and Sound Recording Services.
Translation of five full-length books and numerous scientific articles.
2008-2019 Senior Lecturer, Philology Faculty, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia, departments of advanced study and translation.
2013-2015 Editor, Assistant Publisher Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University.
2004 Spanish and French instruction for International Education Specialists.
Writing Assistant, Writing Centre, Writing Across The University, University of Pennsylvania.
2001 Instructor in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies/Religious Studies School of General Studies.
1994 Spanish/English instructor and teacher’s aide in primary reading. Cave Creek Unified School District, Cave Creek, AZ.
Publications & Activities
(2022c) Booth and Ray: a play in nine scenes. Russian translation: Oxana Yakimenko. Jarmír Hladik Press, St. Petersburg.
(2022b) From Function to Surface: Phenomenology of the thinking organ (in Farsi), Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology, Tehran, Gam-e-Nou.
2022a Providence and Dialogue: Review of The theology of history as science: experimental results (2019) by Rev. Mikhail Legeev. Trudy kafedry bogosloviia
Sankt-Peterburgskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 2.14 (2022).
2021e Staged reading of "Booth and Ray", New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg.
2021d Extensive translation, proofing and editing for the text:
Between Separation and Symbiosis South Eastern European Languages and Cultures in Contact,
A. N. Sobolev, ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
2021c “Expressionism and Verisimilitude” in Rospis’ tserkvi sv. Ioanna Krestitel’ia. St. Petersburg: Svoio Izdatel’stvo.
ISBN: 978-5-6046054-4-8;
2021b Eucharistic Anthropology at the Council of Trent and the Origins of Posthumanism (in Russian), pt. 1,
Trudy kafedry bogosloviiaSankt-Peterburgskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 1(1).
2021a Claiming Infinity: Tokens and Spells in the foundations of the Moscow Mathematical School, Technology and Language 2.1.
2017–2020 More than 250,000 words translated of academic, historical, literary, and commercial literature.
2020 “Brains Situated, Active, and Strange: Neurosurgical magnification and physicalism’s aesthetic consequences ”
Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2020, Darmstadt: Nomos.
2019e With I. Lekomtseva. Popular Science in Translation: a sourcebook. St. Petersburg: Tvoe Izdatel’stvo.
2019 d Radikal'naia ortodoksiia: pervaia filosofiia v “Postkhristianskom mire” (Radical Orthodoxy: First philosophy in a ‘Post-Christian’ World).
Trudy kafedry bogosloviia Sankt-Peterburgskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii, (1 (3)), 160-185.
doi: 10.24411/2541-9587-2019-10011.
English version:
(2019c) “Holism or Abstraction: Representational Conflicts in Cognitive Science.”
2019b Performance Art “The Light Cone’s Waist” with the collective “Shest’” 31 March, “Sdvig”, St. Petersburg.
2019a “The Elsewhere Principle and the Theory of Affordances”, “Psycholinguistics”,
49th International Philological Conference, St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg.
2018d Private reading of Booth & Ray, a play in three acts, Theatre Dept. Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY.
2018c "Oscillating Metaphors and Embodied Transitions" Szeged, Hungary:
Somaesthetics: Between the Human Body and Beyond, University of Szeged, 18 May 2018.
2018b “Pragmatics of Sphoṭa Theory”, 48th International Philological Conference, St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg.
2018a with M. Holt. “Nestorius” in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
2017b With D. Shmonin. Theology and Education. St. Petersburg: Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. ISBN 978-5-88812-878-7.
2017b Editorial team for the multi-volume project History of Tatarstan. Kazan: Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.
2017a “Joseph Beuys and the Pragmatics of Prophecy”. Russian Institute for the History of Art, St. Petersburg.
2016 “Radical Ethics under the Aegis of Neurology” in Emmanuel Levinas: Radical Ethics in an Age of Crisis, Serpyte R., ed.
Vilnius: Vilnius University Press. ISBN: 9786094596704.
2016 Classical and Modern Sociological Theories, O. Ivanov. St. Petersburg University Press.
2015b English translation of ‘What is Reality? Thoughts on the Work of Ervin Schödinger’. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
2015a with E. Rokhlina. “Different types of academic articles: Trends of development” Filologicheskie Nauki: Voprosy teorii i praktiki,
2013–2017 Over 3 million characters of text edited at St. Petersburg State University.
2014 Co-translation of The Admiralty Shipyards. St. Petersburg: Nevsky Rakurse.
2013 The History of Water in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg: Nevsky Rakurse.
2013c English translation of Vladimir Antonshenko. “Artefacts” (“Артефакты”). Nevsky Rakurse.
2012b English translation of Vladimir Antonshenko. “The Roofs of St. Petersburg” (“Крыши Петербурга”). Nevsky Rakurse.
2012b English translation of the St. Petersburg State Orchestra Classica website (
2012a English translation of Vladimir Antonshenko. “Jesting Petersburg”. Nevsky Rakurse.
2010b Subtitles for the film “Alexandrovsky Palace and Surroundings”. Amfora.
2010a English translation of the website for the manufacturer of chesspieces “Kadun” (
2009 “Indian Linguistic Tradition and the Problem of Mimetic Language”. (Proceeds of the 38th International Philological Conference),
Department of Philology, St. Petersburg State University.
2005b “Principles and Development of the Brahmanical Sutra Genre.” Dissertation in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies,
University of Pennsylvania.
2005a “Ritual Punctuation in the Manuscripts of the University of Pennsylvania,” Philadelphia: American Oriental Society Annual Meeting.
2003 “The Pragmatics of Brahmanical Sutra Organisation”, San Diego:American Oriental Society Annual Meeting.
2001b “Manuals of Divine Love”, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: Graduate Conference in the Humanities: “Style”.
2001a “Onomatopoeia and the Indian Linguistic Tradition”, Toronto: American Oriental Society Annual Meeting.
1999 “Modernity and Mimesis”, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania South-Asian Graduate Students’ Association.
1998 “Linguistic Autochthony”, prepared for: Calcutta: Centre for Studies in Social Science Research.
Spoken and Read: English, Spanish, Russian.
Read: Sanskrit, French, Bengali, German and others.